Click any picture to supersize it. Sorted by date. To see the latest pictures start at the last page and work your way backwards.

Fri, Dec 23, 2005

Fri, Dec 23, 2005

Fri, Dec 23, 2005
The corner of the wall will be dug out after the sides are poured. This is to minimize stress on the telephone pole. |
The thermostatic control and body sprays have been installed. |
The tub is in place. Now to put in the faucet. |

Sun, Dec 25, 2005

Sun, Dec 25, 2005

Wed, Jan 11, 2006
To install the master bath plumbing to the tub, a hole needed to be cut into the ceiling in the rear downstairs bedroom. |
The tub plumbing is installed. |
The left cleanout is for the plumbing that's stubbed out up to the second floor. The right one is for the kitchen. |

Wed, Jan 11, 2006

Thu, Jan 19, 2006

Thu, Jan 19, 2006
This water line is next to the cat door. |
Since the other part of the retaining wall is dry, the corner can now be poured. |
Another view of the formed corner. The gas line needs to be removed and a new one installed below grade. |

Wed, Feb 15, 2006

Wed, Feb 15, 2006

Wed, Feb 15, 2006
The shower door is being installed. |
The water main is put in. It's one massive copper pipe. |

Wed, Feb 15, 2006

Wed, Feb 15, 2006

Wed, Feb 15, 2006
The water main is run under grade prior to pouring the retaining wall. |
Water enters the house here. There is 1" pipe throughout the house to keep the volume up. |
The black pipe is the gas line. |

Fri, Feb 17, 2006

Fri, Feb 17, 2006

Fri, Feb 17, 2006
The gas line had to be buried at least 18 inches. |
The new gas line interface from the city line to my main house line is a flexible hose with clamps on either end. |
The water enters the house at the corner of the garage here and the gas enters about 30 feet down. |

Fri, Feb 17, 2006

Fri, Feb 17, 2006

Fri, Feb 17, 2006
The tankless water heater is located in the back of my garage. It can supply up to a 20,000 sq ft house per the specs. This size was need to insure hot water with all showers and dishwasher running simultaneously. |
The gas line enters the house here. |
Proof that the water line is deep enough in case anyone asks. |

Fri, Feb 17, 2006
Another water line depth shot. |