Click any picture to supersize it. Sorted by date. To see the latest pictures start at the last page and work your way backwards.

Thu, Oct 13, 2005

Tue, Nov 15, 2005

Wed, Jan 11, 2006
The stairs have been poured and now need stone. |
The stone veneer needs to be put on the wall. We're just waiting for it to be graded. |
The forms have been removed from the retaining wall. Now the rest of the brick can be removed. |

Thu, Jan 19, 2006

Thu, Jan 19, 2006

Thu, Jan 19, 2006
Since the other part of the retaining wall is dry, the corner can now be poured. |
Another view of the formed corner. The gas line needs to be removed and a new one installed below grade. |
The telephone pole survived the digging, especially with those chains anchoring it to the trees. |

Thu, Jan 19, 2006

Tue, Feb 7, 2006
Looking at the retaining wall from the front yard. |
Adding crawl space access on the south side. |